Law Society Gazette
The new app provides the option for registered users to receive the content of the weekly edition of The Law Society Gazette delivered directly to their iPad. Each new issue can be automatically downloaded to the tablet, giving readers the flexibility to read at their own leisure on or offline. Subscribers have the option to replace their print copy of the magazine with the new digital version as part of the LSG’s strategy of transforming into a digital brand. The web app can be downloaded directly from the LSG website and will soon be available to Android tablet users.
Law Society Gazette
The LSG app is powered by Webvision our market leading CMS. Webvision is a true multi-channel publishing platform, where the content is created and edited once in the CMS and then delivered to the different channels through a single workflow. Using our Webvision templates, the LSG team have the ability to easily decide which content from the main website gets published to the web app creating an easier production process cutting downtime and cost. Just like a native app, the web app content can be read offline without an internet connection, giving members and registered users the ability to access information at their own leisure.