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Pensions Insight upgrades to the Webvision Cloud platform

Following on from their cloud platform upgrade earlier this year, long-time Webvision CMS client, Newsquest, migrates another B2B title to our DXP platform.

A Webvision CMS client since 2007, Newsquest migrated a number of titles onto our cloud DXP and CDP platforms earlier in 2018. The latest upgrade provides all of the publisher’s titles with the benefits of being on a low-risk fully managed platform that is continuously updated with new features and functionalities that can extend its business capabilities. Newsquest also uses Abacus’ professional bureau services for print and digital subscriptions fulfilment and customer service management.

Pensions Insight

Pensions Insight

Webvision Cloud is a Digital Experience Platform (DXP) for organisations of all sizes that need to provide their audience with a relevant and engaging digital experience across all devices, at an affordable price. At Abacus, our mission is to help brands and communities grow revenue and engagement with personalised offers and experiences. If you are looking to upgrade your website, CMS and complement it with a fully-integrated audience management database, we have a winning proposition in Webvision Cloud.

For more information, please get in touch.

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