Tag : digital strategy
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‘Love’ for Casis Media
Former Centaur chairman and CEO Graham Sherren have teamed up with Caspian Publishing founder Mike Bokaie to launch an online B2B media business.
2011 BSME Awards
The BSME awards are the only UK awards run by Magazine Editors for Magazine Editors. Each year the industry gathers to celebrate the successes of the past year and we are delighted to announce that many of our clients have been shortlisted. Congratulations to you all!
Abacus are speaking at the 2015 MemCom Conference
21 May - Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, London
Abacus at AOP B2B Conference 2012
The theme for this new business media-focused conference organized by the AOP, ‘Reinventing the Business Model – Redefining the Relationship’, will bring together a world-class speaker list and breakout workshops on all the major digital revenue drivers.
Abacus clients make the British Media Awards 2014 shortlist
The awards highlight the best in the business across the entire media industry. We are happy to announce that our clients have been nominated for their work.
Abacus clients make the PPA Customer Direct 2013 Awards shortlist
We are happy to announce that our clients have made the shortlist for these prestigious awards.
Abacus clients win at the Headlinemoney Awards and British Media Awards
We are happy to announce our clients walked away from both events last night with some of the top awards.
Abacus' clients win at the PPA Awards 2013
Webvision client TES Connect (www.tes.co.uk) walked away Wednesday night with the Digital Innovation Award (Business Media) Award, the fourth year running that TSL has collected one of the main B2B awards.
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