All posts tagged: lead generation
Laboratory Talk and Building Talk launched using innovative online directory technology
Abacus recently completed the successful launch of two new websites – Laboratory Talk and Building Talk – based on exciting new technology developed in conjunction with Centaur Media, called Source.
Gasworld redesigned and re-launched by Abacus
Our latest website gasworld has gone live. New client Gasworld is a specialist publisher of gas information and events. It is the only independent online news provider and information portal for the global industrial gas community and the larger end-user market for gases and equipment.
Onestopenglish launches brand new job service
Onestopenglish, the world’s leading resource and community website for English language teachers, today unveiled a brand new service dedicated to the needs of jobseekers and recruiters in the ELT jobs market.
London loves Business launches on a wave of PR
The investor-backed site from new publishing start-up Casis Media launches on a wave of enthusiasm and PR activity, starting with a radio interview on LBC for joint founders and investors Graham Sherren (of Centaur Media fame) and Mike Bokaie (of Caspian Publishing success).
Centaur launch innovative new site - Source.TheEngineer!
Centaur Media have launched a new site within the Engineering portfolio – – which is the new home of electronicstalk, engineeringtalk, manufacturingtalk and processingtalk.
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