All posts tagged: customer experience management
We are living in a Subscription World
In an age of rapid digital disruption and transformation, businesses are continuously evolving their business model to meet the growing demands of their audience and stay ahead of their competition. A subscription based recurring revenue model has proven to be beneficial and provide value for both businesses and customers – providing increased brand engagement, loyalty and ongoing commercial success.
Reinsurance Magazine relaunches site on Webvision Cloud
New client, World Business Media (WBM), has adopted the Webvision Cloud DXP platform for their leading publication.
Breakfast Briefing – Life after the 25th May
The biggest change to EU data protection and privacy regulations in 20 years is fast approaching. But what happens next? How can publishers utilise the trusted relationships they have with their customers after GDPR comes into effect to continue building engagement and revenue?
Release blog – To the Clouds and Beyond
Helping brands and communities to grow revenue and engagement with personalised offers and experiences is our mission here at Abacus.
Property Week upgrades to the Webvision Cloud platform
Long-time Abacus client, who has been on the Webvision platform for more than 18 years, has adopted our CXM platform to continue to grow their digital business.
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